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A short story by Mick Macve

Part 3

"The thing is, Brand’s methods worked. I didn’t have any trouble from them for the rest of the lesson."
Alan had just finished his beanburger and salad. Christine was spoiling him tonight and was taking the baked apples from the oven.
"It’s just something you’re going to have to learn, dear," she told him as she put the bowls on the table. "He’s an experienced teacher. He knows what he’s doing."
"Sweetheart, I don’t want to be that sort of teacher. I remember old Soapy Symes when I was at school. We were all scared of him. What was that phrase of his? ‘Take notes and take note.’ What did that mean anyway? We were well behaved all right, but I will always hate anything to do with History. No! the way to get children to love your subject is to treat them with respect."
"Yes, but do they treat you with respect, Alan?"
"As adults, we have to show them an example. It will just take a bit of time, that’s all."
"If you say so. You always know best."
Christine could be very sarcastic at times.

Somewhere To Park part 4
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created by Mick Macve,
last modified: April 24, 1998