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I found Eva in agony.

She had no more to give.There was nobody, who would give her anything without asking for something in response.
I knew, that I was her chance to find the way back into life, maybe even into a life that would be worth living for.

And for me she was the task, that kept me going.


Throughout the years Eva has created and transformed her face.
It will express better than words, what her message for us is.
This painful change took all her energies and strength.

As an artist on her own body Eva has built a living sculpture which she
accepts as "I"...

but in a way, that you can feel at once the distance between the
person, wearing this face and the Being behind it.

Being her friend I go through this life together with her, maybe as part of a message, that is not for me to speak about yet.

We both hope, that our fight throughout these years gives others, who got lost on their way, the strength to find back the light inside and a life, that creates a love like the love, which would not exist, if we would not have met.

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