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I couldn't change the world
but I could change my face.

By changing my face
IT changed my fate.

Born in the southern part of Germany, Eva grew up together with two younger brothers, one older sister and their caring mother, in an environment, created by a father, who was working till his death in 1988 for the Deutsche Bundespost.

So it could happen, that the rest of the family would enjoy themselves in the mountainside, while Eva was sitting beside rushing water forgetting time and space until late.

Or she ran barefoot in the woods, enjoying nature in its purity.



When life started to ask for more: at school, at home, when it came to duties - the free spirit of Eva wouldn't give in to it. So she started to look for her own ways in life and liased with as many people as she could to find out how they dealt with it. Soon she realised that there was no straight way for her in this life.

When seventeen years old she took leave from the family environment that had given her shelter during those intimate hours, when she and father would sit outside on the terrace, smoking and talking, or when they were in the basement and she watched him working on something his always creative mind wanted to bring into life.

She felt with how much love father would bring these things into existence and pitied him for the lack of understanding he seemed to get from the rest of the family.

The marriage, which had helped her to get out of the family home , brought her daughter to life. After three years of terrible hardships for each member of this little group, Eva made an end to it, gave her daughter into the care of her mother and started a new life in Berlin.

Here she learned about life in the big city.

With the help of another man she was able to bring her education to a level, from which she could move on to university, where she studied German literature and Sociology. Both subjects wouldn't teach her much as she felt herself, having always been totally involved in life, much more competent than her teachers.



She did what she could do best: Dive into life!

The nightlife with it's hidden joys and silent pains was especially interesting for Eva. Here, she felt, lived at least some kind of truth. She became an expert in the never ending games between man and woman , studied faces of lovers and searched for truth in every eye, whose attention she could get.


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