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The Living Sculpture      previous page

  There are many people like me in this world, who feel and do the same, but they have never the chance to be seen or heard. I made this possible for myself. For those I regard myself as a mouthpiece and channel and the attention I get I direct to them as well as to those in need.  

With my Charity ‘The Golden Heart Community’ I want to help those first, who have no family, no friends and no support. I start with the building of a small village in the countryside here in South England, where I currently live. Refugee children, who are in the moment housed under difficult conditions, can find here a home. Slowly I want to build up an extended family by offering elderly a place in the village as well as homeless people. I do believe that many problems, which we find in societies like child abuse, drug abuse, crime, depressions and others is a result that the age groups are torn apart. I know that young need old and the other way round.


Additionally we have to involve in our lives ‘healthy work’, which means that young and old should have the possibility to work with their hands on their own houses, gardens, flowers. People become ill, if they have no contact to ‘bodily work’ and nature. Very important will be the education of all age groups: we are never too old or too young to learn. The human nature requires outer and inner activity and, living in a new millennium, there is so much to learn. Elderly people will become encouraged to learn languages, musical instruments and whatever they want. The inhabitants of this village shall support each other and learn from another. People from all walks of life will find a possibility to have a home and a family, a place, where they belong. The only commitment they should have is the will to keep moving towards the positive side of life.

As soon as this village has settled and proved to run well, I will built up these kind of villages all over the world, especially in the former easter block states like Russia, as I feel, that here is a special need for this kind of support.


Since childhood I observe this world very deeply. I always studied faces in a way most people are not looking at a person. By seeing a shape of a mouth, the blinking of an eye, the movement of hands and feet, the posture of the head or by perceiving a certain smell of a person I am able to see the character and inner being of a person. My senses are so fine and pure, that no perfume smell or Make-up, no disguise or mask, can prevent me from seeing in a person the ‘real person’, or the soul. It’s not that I want to unmask the person, it’s just like that. I can’t perceive the world in another way than in the way I do.




I can’t become deceived by the so-called glamour, by false talking, and I won’t work together with companies, who used their image and their products just to earn money and without respecting the wellbeing of the people.


This ability brought me lots of trouble on the one hand, but because I used and use my ability mainly to help people, who are in need, my way to perceive and live gave me lots of strength and is the base of my mission and all my projects.


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